poniedziałek, 3 czerwca 2013

Meat (lamb) and couscous.. كسكس لحم

Couscous with bamia (okra) and lamb in tomatoes..بامية كسكس

Tamina. Easy and tasty! .. طمينة لذيذة

How to prepare this yummy sweet?
Fry 2 cups of semolina on high heat, without oil.
Best-in non-sticking pan.

Put it into a bowl. 
In the same pot (but empty) melt 2 tbs of unsalted butter and 3 tbs of honey.
Whent melts, add back your semolina.
Put on plates.
Decorate with cinammon and colorful sparkles :)

M'semmen -semolina pancakes... مسمن

Your monsters are hungry?
No idea fo lunch and not much time?
Take this recipe and make tasty and
yummy maghrebian pancake.
Easy and quickly.

What do you need:
1,5cup semolina
1cup flour
1tsp sugar
1tsp salt
1tsp baking powder
1pack dry yeast

Mix everything together and leave for half hour.
Make balls of size golf balls.
Than splash pastry and make it as thin as you can, you can help yourself rolling it (for beginners) but you should finish with your hand in the same way as you make pizza.
Remember, dough must be veeery thin. And if a little hole will appear, dont be afraid, let it be there :)

If dought is hard to work with, you can put on in some oil and try more.
Then make squares and fry both sides on a dry pan 5 minutes each.

Braj. Sweet, soft and unforgetable.. براج

When I was going to do these sweets for the fist time, I never expected, that all these ingredients can give me such taste. It's perfect! I made just 4 pieces, just to try if I will like it and.. instantly after making this picture..my plate became empty.
Try it. It's easy, cheap and so delicious! :)

You need dates paste. Take some and mix it with a bit of olive oil (in arabic: zeyt zeytoun) and add some rose or orange blossom water (choose which one you like and add as much as you like, but not more, that 2tbs).
Knead it with your hand in a bowl, until the paste becomes smooth.
Cannot be too sticky. When you knead, must easily stick out of your hand.
Put it into a kitchen foil and form in a shape of flat rectangle. Roll it to about 0,3-0,5cm.

Now pastry.
In a pot, melt UNSALTED butter and wait until it will become colder.
In a bowl mix some semolina with a pinch of salt. Keep adding butter and knead the pastry. Add a bit of rose or orange water as well. Consistency of our pastry is important. Because we want our cookies to be soft, we need to leave it a bit like wet couscous.
Then divide pastry to a half and one part form into a rectangle, similar size to dates paste. Roll it into about 04,-05cm.

Then take out the paste and put onto the pastry.

Take 2nd part of semolina and form it in a rectangle, exactly the same as the 1st one. Roll a bit, put on the dates paste.
Roll everything softly, so it will stick together well.
Now cut it to your choosen shape, decorate with drawing sth with a knife or using cookie shapers and fry on a non sticking pan without oil (cookis are with butter already) on both sides to get the golden colour.

Bon appettit! :)

If you don't have rose and orange water, you can use orange peel as well :)

Yummy for my tummy- -Iraqi/Saudian sweets حلوه الجبن

All right then.
Time for hot tea and some halwa (arabic: sweet)?
Discover the most yummy dishes ever!
Oh, how I love it!

Let's meet Halwa aljaban, which means sweet cheese.
Recipe is ridiculously simple to do.

At the beginning we need some simple syrup, which is made by cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of water, you may add some cardamom pods for taste, or anything else, what you like. Boil it or warm until sugar will dissolve.

Now mash super fat double cream (yea, it's not dietetic sweet, but sooo yummy!) and leave in a bowl.

Pastry is not that hard to do. You need just 1/2 cup semolina, about 250g mozzarella (but remember to rinse salt) and 3/4 cup of your previously made simple syrup. Eveything to the NON STICKING pot, and put on fire.
Stir it all the time, dont let it burn!
When ready (must look like an elastic ball), spread a kitchen foil, and put pastry on. Roll it to get about 0,5cm or less, put a stripe of cream, roll, stick cut. Repeat until you will get few "snakes" and finnish your pastry.
Put it in a foil and keep in a freezer not more than 1 hour.
Then take it out and cut to 2cm halwa.
Put cut pieces on a nice plate and decorate with crushed pistacchi nuts or anything else.

Best sweet ever! <3

Kifta vel. kofta quick and easy...كفتة

There's no philosophy at all with this dish. And what's amazing about it, it's that almost every country has sth similar in its cuisine.

Kifta is sth, where you can actually put whatever you like.
Algerian one is very popular with meatballs and olives (in arabic zeitoun), but you can add whatever you really like.
I don't have any "love feelings" with olives, so I made it very simply just with meatballs, potatoes and tomatoes.

The easiest way is fry onion, add tomatoes (fresh ot can) grate with garlic, when cooked, add more water and potato slices and meatbats, close, cook long.
But here is much more tasty version:

Cut a lot of onion the beginning. mix some of it with minced meat. Add spices, like cinnamon, kardamom, salt, pepper, you can add a bit of crumbs or flour/semolina and egg. mix together. Cannot be sticky, so you can form little meatballs (if sticky, add more crumbs).
Fry rest of onion with garlic and take it out of the pan. On the same oil fry all the meatballs until become brown and crispy.
Remember not to wash your pot, because we don't want to lose any drop of our wonderful taste!
Now grated tomatoes (can be fresh, can be canned) mix with your fried onion (it must become a fine sauce) and let it cook a bit, adding some more water. In the meantime fry potato slices in a deep oil.

Add your meatballs and potatoes to your tomatoes (sounds funny, huh? ;)) and add some spices that you like.
I like to help myself with a chicken gravy, cause the taste is soooo yum or I'm using dark sauce in powder.
You can use chicken cube or just salt, pepper and paprika as well.

That's all.
 I don't think so ;)